The photo booth industry is consistently finding innovative way to help capture wonderful memories and experiences. The video guest book is no different. The video guest book allows guest to leave a message for the bride and groom sharing best wishes, etc.

With a professional grade microphone with bluetooth connectivity we are able to recored clear messages event in the mist of the party and loud music bang through the room. Nothing will stop us from recording memorable messages that will last a lifetime.
Darkroom.... not an issue at all. Lighting is provided to make sure we can see every guest as they share an important and memorable message.
Guest are able to leave message as long as 2 minutes. If we have a talker we will make sure the don't skip a beat with on of our professional photo booth attendant. The photo booth attendant is also there to monitor the volume levels, starting and stop the video's in a timely manner, providing instructions, and also to hype the guest before performing in front of the mic. We will do it all.

As the guest are leaving message the clip are add to a live gallery were the bride and groom will have access real time to view and hear the wonderful messages they've left. Being that this is a guest book the message are not share directly with the guest. A link will be provided to the bride, groom, or in some cases the wedding planner so that they may view the message in privet or with friends and family.
No different from a guest book the video guest book is designed for the privacy of the bride and groom us less shared with others.
With 2023 wedding planning beginning this is a must have at every wedding.